Posts Tagged busy mom

Why giving up on yourself sucks!


Hello, my name is Rossy and I refuse to give up! I love to push, to grow and to help others…. so why the heck am I always quitting on myself?! You might be a little confused, well let me back up and let you in on a little secret of mine, it’s actually something I think I have never really shared… well with anyone! I have NEVER completed one of my own workout programs from start to finish!Seriously! I have started almost all that I have (I have a few I plan to pull out once I get closer to my goal) and I will stick to it, go 0-60 mph, all in.. then I fizzle out… usually about 2-3 weeks in. I will convince myself that skipping a day is ok and I will double up the next day, then I say that I will double up the next week… then it doesn’t happen and I stop posting about it…. and no one asks me anything about it…. cause I’m hiding. I am a fitness coach here to help YOU! So now I shift my focus…. how can I help YOU, how are YOU doing…. then someone asks me….. “how are you doing Rossy?”…….”oh great! thanks!” I lie…. 

After two years of this horrible cycle a friend of mine and I were on a walk and we asked each other… why do we do this? And it hit me: I’m not being real with myself, I give into my excuses and I hide from accountability. I know I am a people pleaser and I have let that side of my take over my priority of my own fitness… why? Well, cause basically I am ok with disappointing myself, but not others… “HOW SAD!” I thought, and I thought of what I would say if someone shared this with me… I would tell them how important their health and fitness is for their future, their children, to be a better version of themselves, to feel free and not weighed down by their failures, that they could do it and that I believed in them!….. so, do I not believe in myself? am I failure? Am I a hypocrite by trying to be a fitness coach and struggling with the same issues I am trying to coach people through? 


I am strong, I am fit and this is part of MY journey! It’s taken a lot to get me here, a lot of tears, sweat, bingeing, disappointment, restrain, prayer and just downright hard work. So now I know what I am doing wrong, I see this cycle and I ask, what will get me OUT OF THIS RUT?! Again, I go to my coaching mode and I start coaching myself- start small Rossy- you can do this- you’ve got this- you’ve got to do something!

So why am I sharing this with you… well, cause over the last couple weeks I have met, read about and watched how MANY people struggle with this, I am not alone, I don’t just suck at life. I know that this will speak and motivate someone else too. I firmly believe that EVERY part of my journey will make me a stronger coach and person. So this is where I start small and here is where I will plant a seed of accountability and pray that it grows beyond me. Today I started my newest fitness program. I am going to stick to it and post DAILY in my private Challenge Group page filled with others who are striving towards their goals too. The new program is called the 21 Day Fix, I am in love with it. Simple, to the point and dumb-proof. This post is not about the program, but I will be sharing my progress on this blog and doing a review after I complete the program in 3 weeks… yup, after21 days (remember- start small!) I will be posting a full review of the program so you can see more about it yourself… of course if you want to know more about the program NOW, you know you can contact me and I can help you get the right pack for you.

So here is to new starts, a new month and new view of where I am today. I am not a quitter, but I sure felt like that’s all I was for quite a long time. This is me, the REAL Rossy. It will be hard  and I’m sure I will want to throw in the towel and binge, but I know where that gets me, and that’s is no where I want to be, it’s not really me and I am tired of hiding here. Come back soon to see my progress…. and if you don’t hear from me- call me out on it!!


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Turbo Fire 5-day inferno Day 1

I am an all or nothing type of person, it has ruined me in the past when I’d start something and think…ah, I’ll RE-start on monday. When it comes to my nutrition I have had to really reprogram myself, BUT when it comes to challenges it truly helps me PUSH myself like never before.

Today I started the TurboFire 5-day Inferno a 5 day meal plan and workout plan that promises you will lose 10lbs or 10″ in 5 days, well I believe it! I had the honor of being selected and participate in this program’s test group and I personally lost 5lbs and 10″ now I’m at it again, to see what this 5-day inferno can do to my post preggo body. I am now approaching 9 weeks since the birth of my son and I have about 25lbs to go to reach my pre-pregnancy weight.
Here is my starting picture….I’m not proud of this picture whatsoever!

well, here we go!

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My journey to fitness part 2! Where do I start?

Its been 8 weeks tonight since I had my baby boy. I’ve been cleared by my doc and I’m ready to run! I’ve been upping my workouts and intensity slowly, but now I am ready! Now where do I start? As a fitness coach I am asked this question A LOT and being on this side of the journey (again) I know EXACTLY how it feels!
Where do I begin? How can I do this? CAN I do this? Is it possible?! questioning myself and double thinking my ability to meet my goals is normal, its human-BUT- its what you do from here that counts! I will not let it stop me! So back to the question- where do I start?!
To answer this I will reflect on the last time I started my journey, before becoming pregnant with Ezekiel I had logged in a 75lb loss and I started that journey horribly! I spent countless hours working out, was at the gym daily, was pushing myself more then ever before- but was getting zero results! Because my nutrition was what needed adjusting. Its easy to sweat, we all know how to workout- but we don’t know how to eat, or should I say- how to eat CLEAN! So I will be spending the next month focusing on clean eating and I have a goal of reducing my weight by 15lbs! yes! My goal is drop 15lbs in a month-impossible? we’ll see! Will you join me? I’d like to have you on this journey with me! I will be hosting an Eat Clean & Get Lean challenge- you want in? please post here & like my page on Facebook
Be checking this blog & my facebook page for more details to come and for updates on my journey! I’d love to hear from you! please comment below!

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